Quality Policy

Quality Policy - Excel Steels

Our products are known for their quality and durability. Our production process incorporates a stringent quality control system based on international standards. Our quality is the strong attraction of our buyers and our products command good consumer acceptance. Quality control experts ensure that quality is maintained throughout the manufacturing process. It starts with the procurement of raw materials and ends with the dispatch of finished products.

Also, as part of the principle of “Satisfy our customers’ needs and expectations, protect the environment, ensure safety and health for our people” Steel Builder's General Director has developed a policy based on the principles of “Quality – Safety – Health – Environment” that is rooted in the principles of “Pride, Thinking, and Responsibility“.

Quality Policy

Our Principles are:

  • It is paramount to us that our customers are satisfied.
  • In the field we work in, we strive to be leaders in what we do.
  • We strive to honor our commitments to the very best of our abilities.
  • As a company, we are committed to acting with integrity and fairness at all times.

Testing / Inspection

Testing is conducted by accredited and approved laboratories. In addition to testing raw materials, we also run an on-line application by our technical team, and we inspect our finished components with a written and approved Quality Management System, as well as a visual inspection.